Maxi Cosi Emme 360 All-In-One Car Seat
The Emme 360™ Rotating All-in-One Convertible Car Seat with 360° Flexispin and Tensionfix™ innovation allows you to swivel the car seat in all modes of use (rear and forward-facing), so you can easily get your child in and out of the car with less back strain.
Maxi Cosi have also solved the most common car seat installation problem that 7 out of 10 parents unknowingly have—loose vehicle belt tension. Maxi-Cosi’s TensionFix™ is our patent-pending red-to-green tension-sensitive indicator that shows you when your seat belt has tension. Emme 360™ evolves with your child as they grow (and grow), from birth to 10 years.
The Urban Wonder Carseat currently comes with a full set of Midnight Black covers included in the box as well as the Urban Wonder coloured cover.